Ticks and Fleas

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What are Parasitic Diseases Transmitted By Ticks and Fleas

Diseases transmitted by fleas

Fleas parasitize dogs and cats all year round. When they ingest fleas that are irritating them, they can be contaminated by a small digestive worm (Dipylidium caninum). Fleas also contribute to the transmission of a bacterium that is responsible for cat scratch disease (or bartonellosis), an infection that is sometimes contracted by people who have been scratched.

Diseases transmitted by ticks

Ticks live in vegetation and attach themselves to animals passing by. Ticks transmit a disease that can be fatal for the dog, babesiosis (or piroplasmosis). Ticks are also involved in the spread of canine ehrlichiosis, a perennial blood parasite infection common in dogs in the Philippines.

Diseases transmitted by mosquitos

Mosquitos are vectors of heartworm disease, a disease caused by worms that settle under the skin. Worse, worms can lodge in the vessels of the heart and disrupt the heart function.

Did you know?

Animals need to be protected from flea and tick bites, and flying insects must be kept away with effective, long-lasting products.


* Pibot P. Maladies vectorielles chez le chien et le chat : leishmaniose, babésiose et les autres… L’Essentiel n°320, 20 février 2014.

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