Food Producing Animals

For healthy animals and quality production, we encourage farming practices that favor prevention and individualized treatment. An approach that adapts to the needs and constraints of different types of farms, all over the world.



Health and well-being are intimately linked. By working daily for the health of farm animals, we contribute to their quality of life in the broadest sense. We have chosen an integrated medical approach that combines diagnosis, services and health solutions and promotes disease prevention as well as the reasoned and individualized use of curative treatments. We promote herd-wide vaccination and micronutrition (mineral and trace mineral supplementation) to strengthen metabolic and immune functions, reduce oxidative stress and improve the animals' resistance to disease. 

In addition, we encourage good care and husbandry practices that limit the sources of stress and pain for the animals. and favor protocols that accelerate their functional recovery and return to a good state of well-being. Thus, by improving animal health and welfare, we help optimize farm productivity while supporting sustainable animal husbandry practices. 



Every day, in the field, with farmers and veterinarians, our teams adapt to the diversity of species and farming techniques to optimize farm performance, while respecting the delicate balance between man, animal, and environment. Our local presence consolidates our ability to identify and understand in depth the diversity of expectations. Hand in hand with veterinarians, we meet the needs of farmers to provide them with effective and practical solutions that simplify their daily management of the farm, while improving the quality of life of the animals. 

We also provide technical and optimized production that meets the growing demands of performance and sustainability.